Monday, April 26, 2010


When I signed up to do the POD, I had to call the lady who was running it.

She had known me as a kid, so we had a nice little chat. She asked me why I was wanting to do the POD. I said that I felt God was calling me to be a minister, maybe, and that I thought I should check it out. "After all," I joked, "The last person who ignored God's call got eaten by a whale!"

She replied saying that it is not always a good idea to follow God's call. Apparently, we need to look at what we wan, and take that into consideration as well.

I am fairly sure I disagree with her point of view. I mean, we're talking about God here. The God who created the world, and loves me, Rosalie, enough to die for me. I'm hardly going to ignore his advice.

It's not that I hate myself, or have no concern for my own desires. I just trust that if I do what God wants, the rest will work out. And maybe that means I won't get married, and spend the rest of my life alternating kid's ministry with childbirth. Maybe God has better plans for me than I can imagine right now. Or maybe, God's plans and mine can interweave.

All I know is that God is wiser, and knows the future, and I want to trust him with that.

"'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give hope and a future'" - Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Introduction

My name is Rosalie. I love Jesus. He loves me. I want to spend every day sharing his love with his people.
But I don't know exactly how.
That's what the POD is about really, I guess. Should I become an ordained minister, or does God have other, better plans? Or maybe I just need to wait?
Some people say I am too young, others say my youth is an advantage.
I've just turned 20. I know I'm too young to be taken seriously. I know that the sensible, logical thing to do would be to do something else for 5 or 10 years. To get some life experience. But every time I try, road blocks come up, or I lose interest in it, or whatever.
I've known for so long that church ministry is where I am meant to be. I can't see myself anywhere else.
I don't know how that will work out though. Maybe I should just be volunteering in the church while working elsewhere. Maybe I should stay a youth pastor for a while longer before starting theological college. Maybe I should be exploring different denominations.
These are questions I hope to gain some clarity on this year.
This blog is for documenting my thoughts, and also to record my study adventures, and other things I do as a part of the POD. Some blogs may be private, but mostly I am happy for people to read and comment if they desire. One of the ways God speaks to us is through other people after all!