Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Introduction

My name is Rosalie. I love Jesus. He loves me. I want to spend every day sharing his love with his people.
But I don't know exactly how.
That's what the POD is about really, I guess. Should I become an ordained minister, or does God have other, better plans? Or maybe I just need to wait?
Some people say I am too young, others say my youth is an advantage.
I've just turned 20. I know I'm too young to be taken seriously. I know that the sensible, logical thing to do would be to do something else for 5 or 10 years. To get some life experience. But every time I try, road blocks come up, or I lose interest in it, or whatever.
I've known for so long that church ministry is where I am meant to be. I can't see myself anywhere else.
I don't know how that will work out though. Maybe I should just be volunteering in the church while working elsewhere. Maybe I should stay a youth pastor for a while longer before starting theological college. Maybe I should be exploring different denominations.
These are questions I hope to gain some clarity on this year.
This blog is for documenting my thoughts, and also to record my study adventures, and other things I do as a part of the POD. Some blogs may be private, but mostly I am happy for people to read and comment if they desire. One of the ways God speaks to us is through other people after all!


  1. It sounds like a good idea to actively listen. This is presumptuous of me because I don't know you nor do I know your devotional habits, but I'll take the risk. Immerse yourself in the Word. Every day. Studying, rereading, lying there in prayer afterwards, letting it carry you away, making marks in your Bible, wondering, feeling convicted, feeling forgiven, believing, resting in God's arms, resting in God's Word.

    That is to say, I've found that very helpful this year as I've been on internship (3rd year of seminary). There is such power there. I like your idea of devoting a year so that you don't have to hurry to know the answer. Wait, study, praise, listen... God will guide you and bless you.

  2. I don't think it can hurt to study ministry and/or theology at Tabor to prepare yourself, even if it isn't the job you're supposed to be in right now. it will give you time to immerse yourself in God's word, to learn about the job and see if it really is the right fit, to explore what your role might look like, and it could take a few years to get finished any way.

    i'll be happy to help you enroll, if you like. plus i know of some great opportunities that will be coming up in the next few years that you could be very well placed to take advantage of.

  3. I encourage you to be connected in your local body too. Having wiser Christians that can lead you and guide you is HUGE! The early church knew nothing of Christians that weren't connect to a local church. There you will find the support of prayer that you need also you will have people to lean on for help when you need it. Jesus was always among His people.

    God will lead you in the right direction if you are faithful to obey Him. All you have to do is listen ( the Body is a great help here too). Keep digging into God's word and seeking His face. Remember that His is faithful and will lead you in the right direction if you will just listen.

  4. I can't study at Tabor if i want to be a UC minister. Or at least it would make it a whole lot more difficult. Plus I didn't really have a great experience there during YITS.

    And yes, I am hugely involved in my church :D I work there as a youth ministry person, and help out with kids ministry and whatever else I can be involved in. Love church :D

    I have a couple of different mentors as well, which is good.
