Monday, April 26, 2010


When I signed up to do the POD, I had to call the lady who was running it.

She had known me as a kid, so we had a nice little chat. She asked me why I was wanting to do the POD. I said that I felt God was calling me to be a minister, maybe, and that I thought I should check it out. "After all," I joked, "The last person who ignored God's call got eaten by a whale!"

She replied saying that it is not always a good idea to follow God's call. Apparently, we need to look at what we wan, and take that into consideration as well.

I am fairly sure I disagree with her point of view. I mean, we're talking about God here. The God who created the world, and loves me, Rosalie, enough to die for me. I'm hardly going to ignore his advice.

It's not that I hate myself, or have no concern for my own desires. I just trust that if I do what God wants, the rest will work out. And maybe that means I won't get married, and spend the rest of my life alternating kid's ministry with childbirth. Maybe God has better plans for me than I can imagine right now. Or maybe, God's plans and mine can interweave.

All I know is that God is wiser, and knows the future, and I want to trust him with that.

"'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give hope and a future'" - Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I agree with you. Ignoring God and putting your plans first is VERY VERY bad. There are just too many examples Old Testament and New Testament to mention, LOL. I think that that goes right up there with going against Israel. :)
