Friday, November 5, 2010

Being A Woman

I'm not saying that it's any harder being a woman looking into full time ministry than it would be to be a man.
In fact, in some ways, I'm glad I'm not a man. If I was a young guy in the same position, I'd be freaking out. There's no way you could ever support a wife, let alone kids on my income. And it's not like being a student, with some kind of hope of things improving. I'm dedicated to this job for 10 years, God willing.
So yeah, that's one reason it's easier for me as a woman. I don't expect to ever be the breadwinner in a family, (terribly un-feminist  I know), so it's less of an issue for me.
But there are other gender specific problems, and I don't have anyone to talk to about them. I don't really know any female ministers.
Like how does being a minister fit into my desire to have children? Do I have to give that up?
How do I minister properly to the boys in my youth group. They need male figures to look up to. And how will that go in the future, when I have a congregation with men in it?
Why on earth am I trying to do this so young? Why didn't I just do teaching or something for a while, so that I could get marriage and everything out of the way, and maybe be a bit set up financially? It's so scary that any plans I make for the next 10 years could be completely changed by me falling in love. No wonder the catholics think that celibacy is a good idea. It'd be one less thing to worry about.
Besides I'm not old enough. How can I help kids when I have no life experience? I only went to high school for a year for goodness sakes.
Is it even right for women to be ministers? I've looked into this so much, and I am sure it is, and I am sure God is calling me in that direction, at least for now, but there's always this little doubt that maybe I'm wrong. What if I'm completely going against what God wants?
I don't want to be the leader over anything. Being the leader over just youth ministry is scary enough. I want someone to be looking after me. I know God is, duh. It's just hard.
And all this and more ha been going over and over in my mind, and I don't know the answers. :(
They'll come i suppose.

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